Dr Chris Colby of Colby Industries recently travelled to Manila to facilitate a Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Workshop for Phase 2 of the Putatan Water Treatment Plant (WTP). This new plant will provide drinking water to almost 6 million people and is being built for Maynilad Water Services.

The workshop conducted over 4 days brought together Maynilad, the Project Superintendent Arup, and WTP design and construction partners - ACCIONA Agua and local companies Jardine Electric Control Philippines (JECP) and Frey Fil. Workshop delegates participated in a detailed hazard and operability problem identification process with key HAZOP results presented by Dr Colby to the Executive Team of Maynilad Water Services.

This is an incredibly important project and the HAZOP study has helped assure Maynilad that the new WTP is safe and operates in the way they need it.  Chris Colby, Colby Industries.

Adrian Marsden: Project Superintendent Arup, Chris Colby: Colby Industries and Theresa Deyto: Project Manager Maynilad

HAZOP workshop team